"Through Mondrian's eyes" is an immersive experience in which the visitors become the central element in the exhibition to represent Mondrian’s thoughts, as they can experience directly on their bodies and through their senses the reality perceived by the artist.
Exhibition, digital art, immersive experience
When and where
Sep 2021 - Dec 2021
Politecnico di Milano, Milan
Group work of 5
My role: ideation, interaction design, visual design

Evolution of Mondrian's vision of reality

The informative part has been created to let the visitor know Mondrian’s vision before entering the immersive path, to make him more aware of the experience. Here the visitor can interact with touch screens which display a timeline paired with colored boxes. At first each box shows just few informations: when touched, boxes expand, letting the user discover more about Mondrian’s life and vision of reality.

From vision to concept:
Influenced by Neo-Impressionism movement, Mondrian considers visible reality as the true one and uses small dots and brush strokes to represent realistic scenes. In this room the visitors can still perceive their bodies by seeing themselves a mirror, composed by a myriad of dots.
From vision to concept:
Mondrian gets in touch with cubist and abstract artists and is influenced by their theories. He starts representing reality by decomposing objects in primitive shapes; this is a transition period for the artist, before finding his final “truth”. The visitors are hit by fragments of projection, though they can still see their bodies, now composed of primitive shapes. The room is dark to reflect the moment of transition and uncertainty of Mondrian in this period of his life.
From vision to concept:
Mondrian finally develops his own vision of reality, strictly connected with Theosophical theories; now he sees reality as a balance between forces, reflected by horizontal and vertical lines. Only three colors exist: yellow (associated with vertical force), blue (associated with horizontal force) and red (swinging color). Visitors feel immersed in a space composed only by horizontal and vertical lines, which intersecate creating an unstructured grid. The red color changes position following the users, filling each square they walks in. Blue and yellow appear if they touch, respectively, a square on a side or front wall.
After the exhibition, the visitor can create his own composition on a shelved wall with coloured boxes of different dimensions. The composition, which takes inspiration from Mondrian’s late and last paintings, can be captured and shared on Instagram with the hashtag #MyMondrianWork.

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